I want to finish, I want to finish…
…but I'm having one of those days that it feels like my gaze and my thoughts are all stuck focused about two feet in front of me. I can't maneuver my attention. Heck, I can't even remember how to spell "maneuver." The internets had to remind me.
Somehow this sort of thing seems to strike when I am just itching to write about 6 posts that are in my head. I just can't access "in my head." Do you know this feeling?
I think this must be the hypoactive side of inattentive. There's food for thought…another day….
I'd like to offer instead a link to a terrific post about time over on Jeff's ADD Mind. Because I'm not sure the decaf is going to wake me up sufficiently, though on the bright side I seem to be able to keep the house vaguely clean today. Is that because my brain is devoid of productive thought?
Aug 24, 2009 @ 23:25:54
Thanks so much for the link to my piece on “time.” I want to note that you are not the only one who has posts stuck in their head. I have many different posts (about 45 at last count) that are in draft format waiting to be cleaned up/posted. I have no clue when I’ll ever get to them. But they are there waiting for me in some sort of proto-blog-post form.
Oct 08, 2009 @ 11:52:33
Ha! Thanks Jeff! I was just re-reading recent (?) comments at a time that I feel like access to my pending posts has migrated south for the winter, and it’s just the cup of mental/emotional cocoa I needed.